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Thursday, June 15, 2006

(Yet) More Libel From Jacek

Speaks for itself really doesn't it. When will he learn...



12 Pre-Haloscan Comments:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's pretty obvious that not only is he attacking Roger Smalls, he is also portraying Adam Curry as a spineless oaf who has no principles.

7:58 pm, June 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frankly, I see this as the telltale sign of the guy's whole underlying problem. He has the mentation of a 4th grader. To call people 'ugly'? Obvious jealousy about getting a free phone? It's just so juvenile. So very childish and immature. Very sad really. This is no real harm to Roger except for the accusations of criminal activity. But honestly, can anyone really see any police taking this garbage seriously? This cartoon is Roger's best legal defense. I have to be very honest in saying that my opinion of AC will not be bettered if he continues to encourage this pathetic excuse for an adult human being.

8:53 pm, June 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just plain fucking hate this guy.

10:30 am, June 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have chosen a personal strategy and invite others to join along. Rather than clutter this site with a discourse, it can be found on the blog in my signature. If the authors of this site wish to include all or part or the post here, they have my consent.

12:15 pm, June 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I admire your position and I think it would be good if more people did as well.

I'm with you so there's two now.

3:32 pm, June 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fellow jackwatchers I'm curious . . . who really is this guy Jacek, with his poor English and angry rants spread all over the internet. Since I first heard of this strange character about six months ago I've had this image of a rather sad and lonely unmarried middle aged guy with few friends sitting in a apartment somewhere spending all his time on the internet . . . does anybody know if this is true? or maybe I've got it wrong and there is a "Mrs Jacek" and few little "Jacekets" out there somewhere. . .

1:03 pm, June 17, 2006  
Blogger Jacekwatcher said...

no, that about sums him up.

5:28 pm, June 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, check it out. I get to be a stalker too. Oh boy. Am I big and mean and scary yet? am I? huh? sheesh, what a class act he is.

4:18 pm, June 18, 2006  
Blogger startledbunny said...

I hope Roger sees through that "cartoon" as nothing more than total fabrication and purely based on the "Artist's" personal opinions, and not hard facts. I would love to be able to draw a comic strip back, just to see how his reaction would be.

6:24 pm, June 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jacket is just a tool, plain and simple. Perhaps this is him as a teenager : ?

7:30 pm, June 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A little 'free publicity' for the attention minded. :)

6:20 pm, June 21, 2006  
Blogger startledbunny said...

Hope you've checked Roger's Blog Today, he's taken a sensible approach to the whole thing.

6:46 pm, June 21, 2006  

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