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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

...and more begging/bashing

Taken from Jacek's blog:

Is it selling out ?

July 19th, 2006

… when a MVP is advertising/reviewing the same product on websites of other MVPs as you can see here and here and here. Tell me, me not MVP so me doesn’t know whether it’s bad or good?

Well, apparently nobody wants to nominate me for MVP despite my huge positive contributions to Windows Mobile community so what can I know!? Maybe selling out is OK in MVP world if so many MVPs accept it and publish such hidden, surreptitious advertisemetns as reviews? In any case: MVPs before throwing mud at myself should first sort out things among themselves!

Anyway if somebody wants to nominate me for mobile MVP award I am open and eager! ;-)

Erm..."huge positive contributions"? We must have missed those...

As for selling least they know how to actually write a review ;)