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Monday, July 17, 2006

Rejected: JPZR Circa 2001

We here at JW:TR have only had the misfortune of knowing Jacek for around 4 years (since the original windows powered Smartphone). However, some of you out there have known him longer. For those of you that do, cast your mind back to 2001 where Jacek (back then known as JPZR) was trying to integrate himself into another community...

MS was not the first company to reject Jacek for community inclusion..

See Sun KVM listposting cached:

Date 2001..

if you search the kvm list archive at I am sure you wil find more :)

Many thanks to the Jacekwatch supporter who sent this in.

By the way, we're going to change the contact form so that you can select whether you want to remain anonymous or not. Alot of you give your names but we're not always sure if you want them published or we don't just in case ;)